It’s Time to upgrade your computer with a Solid State Drive!

It’s Time to upgrade your computer with a Solid State Drive! You’re probably familiar with conventional hard disk drives (HDDs). They whir, click and crank when booting up your computer, saving documents and opening files because of their moving parts. Now there’s a better solution for data storage and access – the solid-state drive, or […]
Ways to Protect Your Business from Malware and Ransomware

After a dormant period, malware and ransomware are back laying havoc to home and business users alike. Last week, Google removed more than a dozen malware-infected apps from its Google Play store. And variations of the CryptoLocker and CryptoWall viruses, which plagued the IT world in 2014 and 2015, have started appearing as well, in […]
Top 10 Excel Tips

For years, Microsoft Excel has been the standard when it comes to spreadsheet software. Microsoft Office, the productivity suite in which Excel comes packaged, still claims approximately 80% to 96% of worldwide user share. As PCMag wrote in 2013, Excel is “far and away the most powerful, and now the easiest to use worksheet app, […]
Top 5 Features of Windows 10

On July 29th of last year, Microsoft launched Windows 10 to the general public. The operating system’s debut generated a lot of buzzes, with many tech experts hailing it as a return to Windows’ classic form (see the reappearance of the Start button) and a substantial step forward thanks to many impressive new features. Here […]
End Email Clutter With Microsoft Outlook

Email clutter can be a severe problem. Microsoft has these statistics: the average email user receives more than 10,000 personal emails per year — and 80% of those are newsletters, sales offers, and news updates that can clog up your account. Luckily, Microsoft Outlook has some great features to help keep your inbox under control. […]
Internet Explorer End of Support – Jan 12, 2016

Starting on January 12, 2016, Internet Explorer, 11 will be the only web browser receiving updates and patches for Windows 7, 8, and 10. Any other version of Internet Explorer will not receive security updates, compatibility fixes, or technical support. According to Microsoft, “Internet Explorer 11 offers improved security, increased performance, better backward compatibility, and […]